Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Professional Athletes that train at USF

Because of our pristine location Professional athletes flock to USF to do their training and conditioning.

1.  Walter Dix 100m (Bronze Medalist)-The first on our list came to a surprise to me because he is an FSU alumni. But he trains here on campus working on his 100m before he gets ready for the U.S Track and Field trails. I recently found out that his coach lives here in Tampa so it made sense why he trains here. Also USF is one of the few places (or only place) in Tampa that has a mondo track (the same they used in the Olympics) and one these tracks can set one back a couple million dollars. So it kinda makes sense why he trains here.

2. Angelo Taylor 400mH ( Three time Olympic Medalist)- I found out he trains at USF via his twitter oddly enough. He trains at USF regularly and you can check for yourself that he does on his twitter account: http://twitter.com/#!/Angelo_Taylor.

3. LB Tyrone Mckenzie (Buccaneers)- He is a former USF alumni that is trying to organize some team practices for the Bucs at his alma mater. I have read that he is even helping the LB on the USF team get better for the upcoming season while he is trains at USF. Hopefully with his tips USF can have another strong defense like years before.

4. QB Josh Freeman- This one got me the most excited because he is trying do the same thing that Mckenzie is doing by training at USF. But from what I hear, he is also practicing with our WRs. I read that he and A.J love practice together all the time and I hope the other WR take suite.

5. John Gruden- Well he is not a professional athlete, but I think he counts. From what I hear he loves USF and all the new improvements they have done with football. He even picked USF to be the place where he host his QB camp he does every year with ESPN. And from videos I seen him in I heard him use WE a lot of times when he mentioned USF. Hopefully he can give Holtz a couple tips here and there.

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